A few weeks ago Real Systems attended the Salesforce World Tour at the Excel Centre in London. The Salesforce World Tour is a yearly event that brings together the Salesforce community (platform users, partners, customers etc.) to showcase the latest ways that Salesforce is innovating to solve today’s business challenges. This year’s focus was on AI, which is something that we are very excited to utilise to further help our customers. With 80+ learning sessions and 50+ live demonstrations, the world tour is a great way for the Real Systems team to stay informed on the latest developments in the non-profit sector so that we can offer our clients top notch support. The opening talk was given by Zahra Bahrololoumi, the CEO of Salesforce UK & Ireland. This focused on motivating, inspiring and educating around how we use AI. Zahra discussed how Salesforce has been pioneering AI since 2014, and has 300 AI patents, 227 AI research papers, and how the current Salesforce AI use has generated 1 trillion AI predictions a week! With the opening talk concluded, the event space opened up. We attended many interesting talks and demos, with the ‘Trailhead Challenge’ being a favourite. The challenge was to attend a number of short talks on a variety of Salesforce topics (many of which had an emphasis on AI), all of which we found to be very insightful and excited the team about how we can offer AI to our customers in the very near future. During this challenge we earned AI skill badges for our Trailhead learning account, and once we had completed the list of talks we were rewarded with a plush ‘Codey the Bear’, the mascot for Salesforce Developers! We also attended longer form talks throughout the day, with many highlighting how non-profits are customizing their Salesforce systems with the help of consultants – such as Real Systems! These talks confirmed guidance on how non-profits, when working with consultancies, can lead to greater engagement. If you’re interested in how Real Systems can help your non-profit maximise engagement and maximise budget, please get in touch by clicking here. We were then back with Zahra, closing the day with an interview with Mo Gawdat. Mo is the former chief business officer at Google X, and is the author of the book ‘Scared Smart’. This book looks at the development of AI and discusses the ethic around its creation. In a time where there can be mistrust and even fear around the fast paced field of AI, Mo’s message was (thankfully!) one of hope. Mo explained to the audience how he believes that we will eventually get ‘the AI we deserve’, and that ultimately AI will reflect humankind as a whole. Mo positioned AI as our collective child, and how we treat is a key aspect in what role AI will have in our future. He has certainly made us make sure we are saying ‘please’ and ‘thank you’ to ChatGPT!
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